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At 14 years of age Aimee was sitting in her Chiropractor’s office and she suddenly knew that she was going to be a Chiropractor…it was like a lightning bolt moment. She had many great results with Chiropractic care over the years in her own life and she wanted a life of helping people in the same way. It wasn't until she went to Chiropractic school that she asked the question “Is this all that there is as a Chiropractor - back pain and headaches?”

She knew there was more - helping with these issues are important but she wanted to help people live their best lives as well. Not long after asking this question, she was introduced to the technique of NetworkSpinal – a Chiropractic technique that uses light touch along the spine and helps create sustainable efficient strategies within the nervous system to release tension and adapt to stress. Eventually learning reorganisational responses to not just do the same thing we have always done when presented a challenge but to adapt, grow and respond rather than react. One of the ways we influence this change is by liberating bound tension or energy locked in the muscular and connective tissue systems of the body.

When we have lots of bound tension- we become rigid and protective not only in our body- but also in the way we approach our lives. Often, we start limiting our experiences, relationships, ideas and how we live to “getting by” rather than creating a vibrant, supple life and body. As we start to use breath, movement and awareness to recognise and release these patterns- we free up energy to redirect to healing and growth. We can start getting stronger, creating more options for what we can do in our bodies and lives.

Dr. Aimee has been using NetworkSpinal and its related reorganisational healing methods since 2000 in her practice.

To find out more, please make an appointment for an initial consultation. This is a time for us to assess where you are currently and discuss your goals for your life and health. We can then determine if working together will be a good fit and make a plan to help you achieve your goals.

Dr. Aimee looks forward to meeting you!